Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Blog is Born

I am so excited to finally join the blogging world.  For several reasons.

It is a little known fact that I really enjoy writing.  As an undergraduate at BYU I was a public relations major, which means that I wrote quite a lot.  I even spent one crazy semester as a beat reporter for the Daily Universe (back when that was a thing).  I covered music and the arts and I LOVED that position - chasing down stories about really interesting people all over the Utah and Salt Lake valleys.  It’s been years since I have given myself this kind of a creative outlet.

Also, I’ve been slapped in the face repeatedly recently with the importance of keeping a personal record.  There was the very special couple of hours that Heather and I spent last week reading over her journal from our pre-mission courtship and the powerful memories and emotions that revived.  There was the review of my journal from the same period.  And there was also a lesson I taught at church about record-keeping and how important it was that ancient records be preserved for our use today.  So you might call it a prompting.

Finally, and most importantly, I just think I need to do a better job sending my thoughts out into the world and engaging my community.  You know, beyond my typical one-line snarks on Facebook.  The last few years have turned me into a far more introspective person than I ever have been before.  As a younger person I think I possessed a much louder confidence than I do these days.  I seem to spend more time thinking and less time reacting, and as I do so, I withdraw more and more.  But I do have a voice.  So I might as well share it.

But why now?

For the last few years I’ve worked really hard on the idea of Safe Space.  One of the greatest successes in my relationship with Heather is our ability to discuss (sometimes) very difficult things under the protection of a safe zone.  She knows that she can come to me with any concerns and give them voice without fear of a harsh response.  She knows that the first thing I’m going to do is make a genuine effort to understand how she feels and that I'm not going to forget how important she is to me and how much I respect her as I formulate a reaction.

Last night as the election results came in I came to a very painful realization.  The dialogue among my friends who were Romney supporters turned surprisingly bitter and grim.  To listen to them (and there were an astonishing number of people on my news feed voicing these thoughts) one would have thought that by choosing Obama, our country had turned its back on God, the constitution, and everything that makes our country great.  The harshness in my friends’ words was shocking and it left me reeling.  With their words still fresh in my ears, my evening was capped off by a brief exchange with a very dear family member who was visibly disturbed at the suggestion that I had voted a certain way.  Clearly her opinion of the candidate was strongly negative and I seemed to sense her re-evaluating me and my values as a consequence of what she thought was my vote.  The encounter stung.

It has dawned on me that we are rapidly losing any semblance of a Safe Space in our public discourse.  There is so much demonizing, extremism, and hyperbole when there should be so much more listening, empathy, and patience.  We need more peacemakers and leaders who aren’t afraid to engage.  For example, I am so proud of my church last night for setting the example of constructive Safe Space dialogue (even at the same time so many of its members were lamenting the end of civilization as they knew it).

With this blog I hope to add a soft voice of reason to the fray.  My posts will include stories from my life and observations about all things interesting to me. J  Even though this first post is maybe a little heavy on ideas, I hope to keep things relatively light around here.  Mostly, I want to have a dialogue with you, dear readers, on topics of mutual interest in a Safe Space that we can all enjoy.


  1. This is so well written, I'm so very glad you've decided to do this! I'm not as articulate as you so I will just say...... "YAY!" :)

  2. Thank you for sharing your voice! It's about time. I've noticed your becoming a deep(er) thinker over the past several years and appreciate your desire and ability to articulate your thoughts. And your wit! I look forward to your blog.

  3. Thanks for sharing Matt! It is always a pleasure to hear your views on life. I appreciate your openness and your ability to reason through insane situations! Miss you guys!
